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Number of people released under amnesty promulgated

From November 5 to December 1, 2021, an amnesty act was applied to 1,787 people, reports the Internet information portal, citing the head of the department for human rights and public relations of the Ministry of Justice, Aynur Sabitova.

1,391 convicts have already been released. And 1,023 prisoners who were serving time in correctional institutions and 368 people who were held in correctional institutions of the precinct type were sent home. 359 convicts were sent for treatment, after which they will be released. For 64 convicts, the sentence was reduced by 6 months.

The portal indicates that at a meeting of the Milli Majlis on November 5, 2021, a decision was made to declare an amnesty on the occasion of November 8 – Victory Day. The amnesty act was adopted at the initiative of President Ilham Aliyev.

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