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Ilham Aliyev: We support the territorial integrity of Ukraine and speak openly about it

“We support the territorial integrity of Ukraine, like other countries, and we openly declare this, we do not hide behind a tree. Yes, we do not deny that we have good relations with Russia. The principles of international law must in no case be distorted by reason of political superiority.” President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev said this to the participants of the international conference “South Caucasus: Development and Cooperation,” reports.

As the head of state stressed, the international community treated Azerbaijan selectively on the issue of its territorial integrity.

“Even before the events in Ukraine, the international community has always, in a very open form, supported the territorial integrity of Georgia and Moldova. But when it came to us, the message was: “make a peace treaty with Armenia.”

But how can you make peace with an aggressor who has seized your lands? We have been trying to achieve this for 17 years, and we have seen that it is impossible. Then we saw the following: the more we tried to achieve peace, the more aggressive the occupier became. Armenia has already begun to threaten us with a new war. They said: “Karabakh is Armenia”, and now they say, “Karabakh is Azerbaijan”. And who says it? The same people who called Karabakh Armenian in 2019. We have created new realities with our own hands, our power, our spirit,” the President of Azerbaijan stressed.

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