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Araz supermarket chain fined AZN 2.5 million

Araz Supermarket LLC has been given a binding order, reports with reference to the State Service for Antimonopoly Control and Supervision of the Consumer Market under the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

As a result of research conducted by the service, it was decided to initiate a case on the grounds of unfair competition of Araz Supermarket LLC with other retail chains of the market when distributing advertising “Araz supermarket chain was chosen as the cheapest store on New Year’s Eve.”

The advertisement contained inaccurate information about the prices of goods, the conditions of purchase and payment. In addition, it contained false and distorted information about the business reputation and financial position of other market participants.

According to the decision, Araz Supermarket LLC was given a binding instruction to prevent the use of unfair and inaccurate advertising methods in its activities, and a financial sanction in the amount of 2,484,600 manats was applied to the LLC for unfair competition.

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