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Statement of the State Security Service: There have never been centers for scientific research on biological weapons in Azerbaijan

Azerbaijan has refuted the information about the presence of centers for scientific research in the field of biological weapons, Day.Az reports, citing the State Security Service of Azerbaijan.

The report notes that recently, representatives of the Russian Federation have repeatedly, including within the framework of international events, expressed certain opinions about the activities in Azerbaijan of centers allegedly conducting scientific research on biological weapons with the financial support of third countries. These statements, made without specifying any facts, cause concern among the Azerbaijani public.

“In this regard, we note that such scientific centers have never functioned in Azerbaijan, no research has been carried out that could harm the health of the population of the country or neighboring states. It is regrettable that such information, not confirmed by the Azerbaijani side, is voiced at international events, including in such an authoritative organization as the UN.

At the same time, based on partnerships, we express our readiness to investigate specific facts if they are provided by the opposite side on this issue, ”the message says.

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