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Azerbaijani professor has invited to the Hague International Criminal Court

Professor of the Department of Forensic Medicine of the Azerbaijan Medical University and the Faculty of Law of the Baku State University, First Vice-President of the World Association of Medical Law, Head of the Azerbaijan Bureau of the UNESCO Chair in Bioethics, lawyer and forensic expert, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Vugar Mammadov was invited to the Hague International Criminal Court for consultation and conducting joint research in the field of forensic science at the office of the Attorney General.

The International Criminal Court in The Hague (ICC; Cour pénale internationale, CPI) is the first permanent international body of criminal justice, whose competence includes the prosecution and criminal punishment of persons responsible for 4 types of crimes:

– genocide,

– war crimes

– crimes against humanity

– Crimes of aggression.

With the appointment of a new Attorney General, the British human rights activist Karim Khan, in the summer of 2021, major reforms have been outlined in the structure of this organization, and along with them, the role of forensic medical examination in the investigation of these crimes has begun to grow.

Forensic medicine is a science located at the intersection of medicine and jurisprudence. It is of exceptional importance in the investigation of crimes against human life and health, and the above 4 groups of crimes within the jurisdiction of the ICC are among the most serious of them.

Forensic medical examination in Western countries has always been one of the main forensic sciences, without which an objective and complete investigation of such serious crimes is impossible. In the Soviet years, forensic medicine was also the most important area of ​​state medicine and health care, helping to improve medical and preventive care and control medical activities in the country.

We can only be glad that the Azerbaijani scientist, in these troubled years for domestic science, has a generally recognized international authority and is invited for scientific cooperation in this supreme body of international criminal justice. From the information on the ICC website, it becomes known that the invited professors and specialists of the ICC are high-caliber international professionals with long service academic/university work experience, well-known judges, prosecutors, lawyers and human rights activists.

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