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Sentence toughened for lawyer’s murder

The Ganja Court of Appeal toughened the sentence of Ali Shamiyev, accused of murdering lawyer and former chairman of the district court Firudin Alekberli in Tovuz, reports.

Thus, according to the decision of the Ganja Grave Crimes Court, he was sentenced to 10 years and 6 months in prison. The Ganja Court of Appeal upheld the verdict. However, the prosecutor, who did not agree with this, filed a cassation appeal.

At the session of the Supreme Court chaired by Judge F. Kerimov, the prosecutor stated that it was impossible to apply Article 62 (appointment of a less severe punishment) of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan due to aggravating circumstances in the actions of the convict. It is noted that, despite this, the Ganja Court for Grave Crimes sentenced Shamiev to 10 years and 6 months in prison. The Ganja Court of Appeal upheld the verdict.

The Supreme Court found the prosecutor’s complaint justified and overturned the decision against Ali Shamiev. The criminal case was returned to the Ganja Court of Appeal for re-investigation. The Ganja Court of Appeal, chaired by Judge E. Khasmamedov, increased Shamiyev’s sentence by one year. He was sentenced to 11 years and 6 months in prison.

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