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Arrested for participation in illegal armed groups

An Azerbaijani citizen who joined illegal armed formations was arrested. APA reports that the public relations department of the State Security Service spread the information about it.

The investigation revealed grounds for suspicion that a citizen of the Republic of Azerbaijan Shikhiyev Bakhtiyar Sattarkhan oglu, born in 1989, at various times was trained in a special training camp in the village of Rifil-muhandis of the Syrian Arab Republic in order to participate in armed conflicts motivated by religious hatred , religious radicalism and religious fanaticism and participated in the illegal armed formation “Jundul Sham”.

As part of a criminal case initiated by the State Security Service, B. Shikhiyev was detained as a suspect and brought to trial as an accused under Article AR 283-1.3 of the Criminal Code, the court chose a preventive measure in the form of arrest against him.

The criminal investigation is ongoing.

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