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The number of accidents on the main roads of the country increased by 36%

The number of accidents that occurred on the main roads of Azerbaijan has been named, the information Internet portal informs with reference to the State Statistics Committee.

So, in January-March 2022, 64 accidents occurred on the main roads, which is 36.2% more than in the same period last year. There were 339 traffic accidents in residential areas, which is 3% more than last year.

It is noted that in January-March this year, 403 accidents occurred, which is 7.2% more than in the same period in 2021. The number of victims of these incidents increased by 12.3% to 556 people. Of these, 183 people died, 373 were injured. Of the incidents, 48.9% occurred during the day, 35% at night, 16.1% at dusk, and 29% occurred on weekends.

84.1% of traffic accidents occurred in residential areas, the number of deaths in them increased by 44.9% compared to the same period last year and amounted to 129 people, the number of injured decreased by 0.9%, amounting to 335 people.

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