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State service: 38 illegally dismissed persons were reinstated at their former jobs

In the course of proceedings conducted by the State Labor Inspection Service under the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Population of Azerbaijan, based on citizens’ appeals over the past period of this year, it was found that employment contracts with 38 employees were terminated in violation of the requirements of the law, reports citing Ministry of Labor and Social Protection.

Thus, in accordance with the law, the State Service took measures to restore these workers to their former jobs, and ensured the elimination of offenses committed against them.

In addition, it was found that employers are delaying the issuance of about 332,000 manats of social payments to employees.

As a result of the measures taken, employers paid the specified amount to employees. Of the amount paid, 99% were salaries, the rest were social benefits and compensation paid by the employer.

In January-April 2022, civil service officials privately received 3,552 citizens. 3924 applications from citizens, as well as 2404 letters sent by various enterprises, departments and organizations were considered and answered.

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