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Azerbaijani MIA calls on British Embassy to refute its statement

The Ministry of Internal Affairs (MIA) of Azerbaijan has released a statement, MIA told APA. The statement reads: “As reported earlier, a group of persons held a rally, which was not agreed with relevant public bodies, in Fountain Square in Sabail district on May 14, 2022. Although the rally was held contrary to the law of the Republic of Azerbaijan “On freedom of gathering”, police employees did not intervene in the rally, on the contrary, security of participants was provided and a relevant statement was sounded at the end of the rally. No incident was recorded and no one was detained during the rally.

However, the issuance of wrong information on the police’s serious intervention in the rally and the presence of numerous detainees by the Embassy of Great Britain to Azerbaijan on the same day is unacceptable and is a groundless intervention in the domestic affairs of the Republic of Azerbaijan. It is inapprehensible that the British embassy in Azerbaijan misjudged the action and made accusatory allegations while the organizers and participants of the action said that the rally was held ordinarily and the behavior of the police was satisfactory. We assess this statement as an attempt to damage the reputation of the police in the performance of their duties. We call on the British Embassy in Azerbaijan to refute the statement and admit its mistake. We hope that the British Embassy in Azerbaijan will operate to serve the development of cooperation and sincere dialogue between the two countries and will refrain from the efforts to create artificial political obstacles”.

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