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Drug traffickers open fire on Azerbaijani border guards

Employees of the Goradiz and Goytepe border detachments of the State Border Service of Azerbaijan (SBS) prevented the smuggling of 106 kg 495 grams of drugs and 4,000 psychotropic tablets from Iran to Azerbaijan, news portal reported citing the SBS press center.

It is reported that operational activities were carried out in the Fuzuli and Yardimli regions.

In the course of one of the operations in the Yardimli region, the violators, despite the order to stop and warning fire in the air, offered armed resistance, opened fire on the border guards with automatic weapons. The border guards used weapons, as a result of which the smugglers abandoned the bags of drugs they had with them and fled back to Iranian territory.

In addition, during the operational-military activities near the scene, an Azerbaijani citizen was detained as a suspect, his identity is being established.

On the facts, operational and investigative measures are ongoing.

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