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The judgement was read out to the “climbers” who committed theft from houses

The trial on the criminal case of Javid Suleymanov and Ahmad Ahmadov, accused of stealing AZN 2 million from houses in Baku, has ended, APA reports.

The judgementwas read out at a meeting in the Baku Grave Crimes Court chaired by Judge Zeynal Agayev. Javid Suleymanov was sentenced by the court to 9 years, and Akhmed Akhmedov to 8 years in prison.

According to the indictment, Akhmed Akhmedov and Javid Suleymanov also robbed the apartments of the former chief infectious disease specialist of the Ministry of Health, the former head of the Department of Infectious Diseases of the Azerbaijan Medical University, Jalal Isayev, and the former midfielder of the Azerbaijani national football team, Jeyhun Sultanov. Among the victims is Vusal Mirzoyev, the son of Major General Sahib Mirzoyev, who has held senior positions in the police for many years.

It follows from the materials of the criminal case that the burglaries with the use of mountaineering equipment were discovered after the theft in the house of the general’s son.

According to the indictment, V. Mirzoyev suffered damage in the amount of 167,000 manats.

It was established that during the looting, the victims suffered material damage in the amount of about 2 million manats.

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