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A criminal case was initiated against the former vice-president of the federation

As a result of operational measures carried out by police officers, 40-year-old Sabuhi Rajab was detained, accused of large-scale fraud, reports

As a result of illegal acts, three people were injured. So, S. Rajab took a car from his friend and sold it without her knowledge for 40,000 manats. He embezzled 51,000 manats from another woman under the pretext of leasing a car.

The third victim of the fraudster was Shahin Aliyev, head of the department of surgery at the State Institute for Postgraduate Medical Education of the Ministry of Health. S. Rajab promised to assist him in his appointment as rector of the institute for 150,000 manats. However, the deception was exposed.

The investigation into the case of S. Rajab was completed, he was charged under article 178.3.2 (fraud committed with causing damage on a large scale) of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan. The collected materials were sent to the Baku Court for Grave Crimes for consideration and transferred to the proceedings of Judge Ali Mammadov.

S. Rajab was vice-president for combat sambo in the kickboxing and sambo federations of Azerbaijan. Also in 2020, he put forward his candidacy in the elections to the Milli Majlis in the 13th Khazar-Pirallahi constituency.

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