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Araz Supermarket, Al market, OBA market, Bazarstore and others are accused of monopoly

The State Service for Antimonopoly Policy and Consumer Market Supervision under the Ministry of Economy of Azerbaijan has opened a case against 14 companies and one individual operating in the food market, the internet news portal reports.

Thus, as part of anti-inflationary measures, the Service conducted a study of the food market for violations of antimonopoly legislation.

The study revealed the facts of non-compliance with antimonopoly legislation by a large number of economic entities in the market of long-grain rice and buckwheat included in the consumer basket. A case was opened against Babek, Vuqma-qida LLC, Absheron Treyd LLC, Xudaferin-1 LLC, Elsaan Group LLC, Veyseloglu LLC, Qida XXI LLC, Best-Tarım LLC, Tamashee Foods LLC, Araz Supermarket LLC, Al market LLC, Sun Food LLC, OBA Market LLC, Bazarstore LLC and individual Ilgar Kerimov.

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