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The first Republican festival-competition among schoolchildren will be held in Shusha

On June 1, 2022, Shusha will host the final concert program of the republican festival-competition among schoolchildren “Könlüm keçir Qarabağdan”, dedicated to the “Year of the City of Shusha”, APA reports.

The event will take place in front of the Real School in Shusha, organized by the Ministry of Education and in partnership with the Ministry of Culture and the Department of the State Reserve of the city of Shusha.

An exhibition of handicrafts and drawings of the winners of the competition will be organized at the event, literary and artistic compositions will be shown. The winners of the festival-competition will be awarded.

More than 10 thousand gifted students of secondary schools, lyceums and gymnasiums of the country of two age groups (11-14 years old and 15-17 years old) took part in the competition in 4 categories – performance, dance, dramatic art, painting and arts and crafts.

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