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10-year-old murder solved

As a result of joint investigative and operational activities of the Prosecutor General’s Office, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the State Security Service and the Penitentiary Service of the Ministry of Justice of Azerbaijan, another particularly serious crime committed 10 years ago in Baku was solved, reports citing the press service of the country’s Prosecutor General’s Office.

“On the fact of finding Jafar Akhundov dead in his car on October 10, 2012 in the territory of the Yasamal district, a criminal case was initiated in the local prosecutor’s office. However, due to the inability to identify the person involved in the murder, the investigation was suspended.

As a result of joint intensive investigative and operational measures after the resumption of the case by the Investigation Department of the Prosecutor General’s Office, it was established that on October 10, 2012, at about 14:00, Jafar Akhundov in his house, together with his acquaintance and previously living next door to him, Zohrab Shirinov, took drugs.

The latter, taking advantage of the fact that J. Akhundov, in a state of drug intoxication, was deprived of the opportunity to act and resist, on the basis of a long-standing personal conflict, kicked J. Akhundov, who was in a lying position, several times in the abdomen and chest, damaging vital organs. As a result, he died.

On the same evening, Z. Shirinov, in order to hide the crime and create the impression that his acquaintance had committed suicide under the influence of drugs, put the body in the back seat of a Mercedes-Benz C200 car belonging to J. Akhundov, then drove it to the Qurd qapısı cemetery and, putting put a syringe and an ampoule with the remnants of the drug into the man’s pocket, left the scene.

On May 27, 2022, Z. Shirinov was charged under Articles 120.2.2 (murder committed out of hooligan motives) and 120.2.9 (murder of a person known to the accused to be in a helpless state) of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

Currently, the investigation is ongoing, ”the information says.

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