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The composition of the Supervisory Board of the Center for Legal Expertise and Legislative Initiatives was approved

President Ilham Aliyev approved the composition of the Supervisory Board of the public legal entity “Center for Legal Expertise and Legislative Initiatives”, reports the online news portal By order, the Supervisory Board of a public legal entity was approved in the following composition:

Chairman of the Supervisory Board:

Gunduz Kerimov – Head of the Department of Legislation and Legal Policy of the Presidential Administration, Assistant to the First Vice-President of the Republic of Azerbaijan

Members of the Supervisory Board:

Shahin Aliyev – Rector of the Academy of Justice of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Azerbaijan

Humay Efendiyeva – Judge of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Azerbaijan

Khalid Gasimly – Head of the Department of Law and Legislation of the Office of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan

Farid Hajiyev – Head of the Staff of the Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan

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