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Iranian drug smuggling attempt foiled

On October 25, 2022, an attempt to smuggle drugs into the Republic of Azerbaijan was stopped at the service area of ​​the frontier outpost of the Goytepe frontier detachment of the frontier troops of the State Border Service located near the Jafarli village of the Jalilabad region, APA reports citing the press center of the State Border Service.

So, the border guards noticed two people who approached the engineering barrier near the state border, despite the order of the border guards to stop and a warning shot in the air, the border violators did not obey the order and fled in the opposite direction. The outpost was alerted, the territory was cordoned off.

As a result of operational-search activities in the border zone, a bundle with 17 kg of narcotic substances was found (10 kg of “marijuana”, 2 kg of 100 grams of “opium” and 4 kg of 900 grams of “methadone-40”).

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