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The former representative of the head of the Executive Office received bribes in the amount of 800,000 manat

A judicial investigation has begun on the criminal case of the former representative of the head of the Executive Power of the Goychay region in the city administrative-territorial district Rashad Shukurov, reports citing APA.

At the meeting of the Sheki Grave Crimes Court, chaired by Judge Nahid Mirzoev, the indictment was read out. The indictment states that the former representative of the head of the Goychay Regional Executive Office for the Goychay City Administrative-Territorial District Rashad Shukurov, while working as the head of the department for work with local self-government bodies of the Executive Office, abusing his powers, entered into an agreement with other officials of the structure headed by him. He received bribes in various amounts from individual officials in his office, threatening them with dismissal if they refused to pay him bribes in exchange for the opportunity to continue their work.

It was established that the damage caused by his criminal actions amounted to 800,000 manats. The defendant pleaded not guilty to the charges and stated that he would testify on various episodes during the trial.

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