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Deputy director, who accused of corruption, removed from the post

On behalf of the Ministry of Culture and the relevant order of the Ismayilli Regional Department of Culture, in accordance with paragraph “c” of part 1 of Article 62 of the Labor Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan, in order to protect the interests of employees and ensure labor discipline, the Deputy Director of the Center Lala Novruzova was suspended from work, APA reports.

It is noted that information containing signs of a crime, revealed as a result of an internal investigation conducted at the Shamakhi Educational Arts Center by order of the Ministry of Culture, was submitted to the relevant law enforcement agencies in accordance with the law. Currently, the criminal case in connection with the involvement of Lala Mammad qyzy Novruzova as the accused deputy director of the Shamakhi Educational Arts Center is being processed by the Sumgayit Court for Grave Crimes.

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