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The Court of Appeal canceled the sentences of 11 convicts in the “Terter case”

The Ganja Court of Appeal overturned the sentences of 11 convicts in the framework of the “Terter case”, reports the Internet news portal. The decision was announced today at a trial chaired by Judge Teyyub Mukhtarov.

The appeal of 11 people accused and convicted in the “Terter case” – Captain Rauf Orujev, Senior Lieutenant Sultan Zeydullayev, Ensign Emin Adilzade, Lieutenant Natig Aliyev, Junior Sergeant Alizamin Guliyev, servicemen Turan Ibrahimli, Mushfig Ahmedli, Mejid Qasimov, Faig Ahmedov, Mirpasha Mehdiyev and Atabek Rahimov were satisfied, the verdict passed by the Terter Military Court was canceled, the case was sent to the Ganja Military Court for consideration.

It is noted that a preliminary court session will be held in the Ganja military court.

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