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State Service reveals new fraud schemes

The Center for Combating Computer Incidents of the State Service for Special Communications and Information Security of Azerbaijan has warned of new fraud schemes, reports. It is noted that scammers use new schemes for capturing money from bank card users.

Through SMS notifications and through social media accounts, card users are first invited to register on the relevant website (, etc.) in order to find employment or generate an additional source of income from virtual sales.

Registered cardholders are offered various packages of services that provide interest income from the deposited amount. To do this, card users must transfer funds to a payment card provided by fraudsters in order to increase the available balance. Fraudsters resort to various options, regularly changing the payment cards they use. Card users are invited to take part in a new fraud scheme under the pretext of “employment” through WhatsApp and Telegram messengers. They are required to transfer funds to payment cards indicated by fraudsters, as well as open an account in the Binance app. All these accounts are operated by fraudsters, and cardholders become unwitting intermediaries in a fraudulent scheme, ”the message says.

It is noted that in this scheme, card users cannot subsequently receive any services for the transferred funds. They are used in this fraudulent scheme as intermediaries, and their bank cards are used as “transit” cards.

The Center encourages cardholders to protect personal information.

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