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Clients’ deposits in the amount of 316,000 manats and 32,000 dollars were stolen from one of the banks

AZN 316,000 and USD 32,000 belonging to the bank’s clients were stolen from the deposit room of BTB Bank, Report news agency reported. The theft took place on March 17, 2023 in an office located at 21 Y. Safarov Street in the Khatai district of Baku.

Grinkevich Sergei Olegovich, born in 1990, and Babaev Alexei Ramizovich, born in 1976, are suspected of embezzling clients’ money from the deposit room.

In fact, a criminal case was initiated in the Khatai district police department under article 177.3.2 (theft committed with causing major damage) of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan

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