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Military prosecutor’s office: 18 perpetrators of the genocide in the village of Baganis Ayrim are on the international wanted list

18 people, whose guilt in committing the genocide in the village of Baganis Ayrim was proven, have been put on the international wanted list, Report news agency reports citing Senior Assistant to the Military Prosecutor – Head of the Press Service of the Military Prosecutor’s Office of Azerbaijan Firad Aliyev.

The head of the press service noted that the materials of the investigation on the episode of the genocide in the village of Baganis Airym proved that on March 24, 1990, in order to completely or partially destroy Azerbaijanis as an ethnic group, kill members of the group, as well as expel villagers from their places of permanent residence and commit other crimes against Azerbaijanis, illegal Armenian armed formations, grossly violating the established norms of international law and the laws of Azerbaijan, penetrated on military equipment, military and special vehicles into the village of Baganis Ayrim of the Gazakh region from various directions from the territory of Armenia, they subjected the village to heavy fire from large-caliber firearms weapons, machine guns, machine guns, grenade launchers, killing civilians in the village on the streets and in their own homes.

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