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A person detained while trying to sell mercury

Employees of the Shemkir District Police Department, while trying to sell a harmful chemical substance illegally imported into the territory of the republic – mercury, which has a strong impact on human health, detained a resident of Hajigabul, Report news agency reported citing the Ganja regional group of the press service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

During the investigation, it was established that a resident of the Hajigabul region, Ibrahim Ibragimov, entered into a criminal relationship with a foreigner through social networks, then brought mercury from the Shirvan region to the Shamkir region for its sale for 200,000 manats.

The suspect was detained and taken to the Shemkir District Police Department. During the inspection, 2 glass containers with mercury with a total weight of 1 kg and 700 g were found in his possession.

The seized material was submitted for examination, the investigation into the case continues.

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