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Over the past five years, four packages of social reforms have been implemented

The successful policy of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev is based on the civil factor, ensuring the well-being of the country’s inhabitants. On instructions from the head of state, four packages of social reforms have been implemented over the past five years.

According to Oxu.Az, Anar Kerimov, Deputy Minister of Labor and Social Protection of the Population, stated this at a press conference. In particular, he noted that as a result of these social reforms, which covered more than 4 million citizens, the minimum average monthly salary increased by 2.7 times, the minimum pension – by 2.5 times, the average monthly salary – by 65%, the median salary – by 2.5 times. 1 times, the wage fund – 2.5 times, the average monthly pension – 2.1 times, social benefits and pension payments – 5 times, the average monthly amount of targeted social assistance – 2.5 times. In addition, more than 10 new types of social payments were established, and the scope of the social security system was further expanded through the application of a number of humane approaches and benefits. Additional funds allocated annually for these four social reform packages amounted to 6.8 billion manats.

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