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Man detained for taking bribe released

Colonel Jeyhun Babayev, former head of the transit department of the Main Customs Department for Energy Resources and Maritime Transport of the State Customs Committee, has been released from prison, reports. His unserved term was replaced with a suspended sentence. The court, when making a decision, took as a basis the convict serving 2/3 of the sentence and the conclusion of a correctional institution.

J. Babayev was detained while receiving $750 (1,275 manat) from a representative of Gate Est Group LLC and Interlogistics as a bribe for speeding up customs clearance of transit cargo belonging to the company. He was charged under article 311.2 (taking a bribe by an official for illegal actions/inaction) of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

On February 26, 2021, the Baku Grave Crimes Court sentenced J. Babayev to 4 years in prison.

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