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Police detained 75 drug dealers

In May 2023, 75 people involved in drug trafficking were detained in the Sabunchu district of Baku, reports citing the press service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the country.

Thus, employees of the anti-narcotics department of the Sabunchu District Police Department detained Mirzadadash Jalilov, who was engaged in the cultivation of drug-containing plants in the village of Nardaran. During the inspection of his yard, 97 cultivated cannabis bushes were found, as well as 2.2 kg of marijuana. In the course of another operation carried out by the unit’s employees in the village of Bakikhanov, a previously convicted Vugar Ragimov, who was engaged in the sale of drugs, was detained. During a personal search and inspection of his house, 2.5 kg of marijuana was found.

During May 2023, on the territory of the district, employees of the anti-drug department of the Sabunchu District Police Department detained 75 people involved in drug trafficking. In relation to each of them, criminal cases were initiated in the investigative department of the department. Measures to combat drug trafficking continue.

In total, in the course of operations carried out by employees of the Sabunchu District Police Department, since the beginning of the year, a total of 45 kg of various types of narcotic drugs have been seized from illegal circulation.

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