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Former Deputy head of executive power arrested

Khalid Rahimov, former deputy head of the Lankaran City Executive Power, was arrested. According to Report‘s southern bureau, the car of the former deputy head of the executive power was stopped by traffic police in the village of Garmyatuk, Lankaran region, as part of a raid against drivers who do not use seat belts.

Police officers suspected that the driver was driving while intoxicated. It was decided to conduct an appropriate survey. However, Kh. Rahimov resisted the police officers. For this reason, he was taken to the police station.

By a court decision, a preventive measure in the form of detention for a period of 2 months was chosen against him.

Inspector General of the Lankaran regional group of the press service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, police captain Magomed Rzayev said that a criminal case had been initiated on this fact.

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