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Criminal case on bribe sent to court

The investigation of the criminal case conducted by the Main Department for Combating Corruption under the Prosecutor General on the fact of receiving a large bribe from citizens by the representative of the head of the Executive Power of the Absheron region for the administrative-territorial district of the village of Mehdiabad, Ali Hasanov, has been completed, reports with reference to the Prosecutor General’s Office. countries.

During the preliminary investigation, reasonable suspicions arose that during 2022-2023 A. Hasanov issued permits for the construction of private residential buildings on agricultural land plots located in the above-mentioned village, and also provided various documents for these plots, for which he repeatedly received bribes from citizens, the total amount of which amounted to 42,000 manats.

A. Gasanov was charged under Articles 308.2 (abuse of official powers, entailing grave consequences), 311.3.2 (repeated bribe-taking) and 311.3.3 (on a large scale) of the Criminal Code of Azerbaijan. By a court decision, a measure of restraint in the form of arrest was chosen against him, the criminal case was sent for consideration to the Sumgayit Court for Grave Crimes.

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