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Fraud investigation completed

The Main Anti-Corruption Department under the Prosecutor General has completed the investigation of the criminal case against the head of the secret department of the secretariat of the Ministry of Justice Aliyev Hafiz Ali oglu, Report informs citing the press service of the Prosecutor General’s Office.

During the investigation, reasonable suspicions arose that, while working in the above position, Kh. Aliyev embezzled AZN 90,000 in 2019 in exchange for false promises to assist in the election of a citizen as chairman of the municipality of one of the Baku settlements.

On the basis of the evidence collected within the framework of the case, Hafiz Aliyev was charged under article 178.3.2 (large-scale fraud) of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the criminal case was transferred to the Baku Grave Crimes Court for consideration.

During the preliminary investigation, compensation of AZN 55,000 from the material damage caused was provided.

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