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Large consignment of drugs seized

In Sabirabad, more than 13 kg of marijuana were confiscated from those detained on suspicion of selling narcotic drugs obtained from a foreign citizen, reports with reference to the Shirvan regional group of the press service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Thus, as a result of operational activities carried out by employees of the Sabirabad District Police Department, a resident of the district Farid Muradov and a resident of the village of Yolchubeyli Aydin Eyvazov were detained. During a personal search, three packages of marijuana with a total weight of 13 kg 325 g were found and seized from them.

During the investigation, it turned out that F. Muradov and A. Eyvazov contacted an Iranian drug dealer who smuggled drugs into our country through social networks and agreed to provide the “services” of a drug courier for 2,500 manats.

On this fact, a criminal case was initiated in the Investigation Department of the District Police Department, by the decision of the district court, a measure of restraint in the form of arrest was chosen against the detainees.

At present, measures are being taken to establish the criminal connections of the detainees.

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