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Ministry of Internal Affairs: 512 kg of drugs seized from circulation in the last month

The Main Directorate for Combating Drugs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs seized 512 kg of narcotic drugs from illegal circulation over the past month, estimated on the “black” market at 512 million manats. APA reports that the Ministry of Internal Affairs has spread the information about it.

It is noted that as a result of operations carried out in the capital and regions against members of a transnational organized gang in Azerbaijan, smuggling drugs from Iran to our country, as well as persons organizing the sale of drugs within the country, members of 8 organized gangs were detained, including 83 people.

It is reported that 512 kg of narcotic drugs – cocaine, heroin, opium, marijuana, psychotropic substances – methamphetamine, as well as 13 thousand ecstasy and methadone tablets, estimated at 20 million manats on the black market, were seized from illegal circulation. Operations were carried out in Sumgayit, Absheron region, regions, as well as in the capital.

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