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Over 15 tons of narcotic plants destroyed

More than two tons of hemp have been destroyed in the Terter region, reports with reference to the press service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

It is noted that during the activities carried out by the employees of the Terter district police department in the territory of the village of Khoruzlu, 3,200 hemp bushes with a total weight of 2 tons 300 kg were uprooted and destroyed.

Employees of the Neftchala district police department also carried out complex operational-search and preventive measures under the code name “Khashkhash-2023”, during which more than 6,000 hemp bushes with a total weight of 12 tons were discovered and destroyed in the village of Kyurkend. An investigation is ongoing in the Neftchala district police department.

As a result of the complex operational-search and preventive measures carried out by the employees of the Yardimli district police department, drug-containing plants were also found in the district. In the village of Arvan, 8,560 hemp bushes with a total weight of more than 1 ton were discovered and destroyed.

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