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Two more employees of the State Service for Mobilization and Conscription for Military Service detained

During the operational-search activities carried out by the General Directorate for Combating Corruption under the Prosecutor General, unlawful actions of the inspector of the Jalilabad district department of the State Service for mobilization and conscription for military service Ramil Hasanov and the inspector of the Lachin district department Rashad Rashidli were revealed, Report informs citing the press -the service of the Prosecutor General’s Office, they are suspected of receiving monetary rewards from citizens and, taking advantage of the opportunity to influence the decisions of officials of the draft and medical commissions, sought to recognize conscripts as unfit for military service ..

Criminal cases have been initiated on the facts. R. Hasanov and R. Rashidli were charged as defendants under Article 312-1 (illegal influence on the decision of an official), a preventive measure was taken against them in the form of police supervision with removal from office by a court decision.

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