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Academic Secretary of the Higher Attestation Commission brought to criminal responsibility

As part of the operational and investigative activities carried out by the Main Anti-Corruption Department under the Prosecutor General, illegal actions of a member of the expert group on economic sciences of the Higher Attestation Commission, Academic Secretary Aliyev Shafa Tiflis oglu, were revealed, Report informs citing the press service of the Prosecutor General’s Office.

Thus, reasonable suspicions arose that Sh.Aliyev, taking advantage of the opportunity to influence the decisions of officials of the structure in which he worked, abused his official duties and sought to award scientific degrees to various persons in exchange for monetary rewards.

Based on the collected evidence, Sh.Aliyev was charged as an accused under Articles 312-1 (illegal influence on the decision of an official) and 308.1 (abuse of official powers). By a court decision, a measure of restraint in the form of house arrest with removal from office was chosen against him.

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