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The head of the municipality arrested for bribery will appear in court

The trial of the former head, arrested on charges of bribery, begins at the Baku Grave Crimes Court, reports. On May 31, under the chairmanship of Judge Novruz Kerimov, a preparatory meeting will be held in the case of the ex-chairman of the Yeni Surakhany municipality, Fikret Guliyev, who was found guilty under Article 311.3.3 (taking a bribe/passive bribery on a large scale) of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

It is noted that in February of this year, as a result of an operation carried out in connection with the illegal actions of the chairman of the Yeni Surakhani municipality of the Surakhani district of Baku, Fikret Guliyev, a criminal case was opened in the Main Anti-Corruption Department under the Prosecutor General. During the investigation, reasonable suspicions arose that, while in office, he, abusing his official powers, received money from numerous persons for the allocation of land plots, construction work, etc. large sums of money as a bribe, and also committed other illegal acts.

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