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Persons who committed a series of thefts in three districts detained

As part of the operational-search activities carried out by employees of the Sabirabad district police department, Nahid Guliyev and Vyusal Shykhaliyev, suspected of committing a series of thefts in three districts, were detained, Report informs citing the Shirvan regional press service group of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

During the preliminary investigation, it was established that they stole 37 heads of large and small livestock from six farms. It was revealed that these persons committed similar acts in the Kurdamir and Hajigabul regions.

As a result of another operation by employees of the Sabirabad Regional Police Department, residents of the village of Yastygobu Shabil Abushov and his son Ramin were detained. In the house at their place of residence, 27 hemp bushes, grown with special agrotechnical care, were discovered and seized.

A preventive measure in the form of detention was chosen against the detainees. Investigations into the facts are ongoing.

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