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Azerbaijan prepares for elections

According to the site, it was happened a curious case at the last session of the Central Election Commission of Azerbaijan (CEC). It had disappeared more than million voter’s names. This discrepancy between the electoral lists of the CEC and the report of the State Statistic Committee was found by one of the members of the CEC – Akif Gurbanov.

Akif Gurbanov accused the CEC in irresponsibility. “The report of the State Statistic Committee shows the population of the country – 9 million 356 thousands people wherein more than 6 million 467 thousands people are in age above of 20. The electoral lists of the CEC is shown number of voters 4 million 986 thousands people. The difference in the figures is one and half million. Where are these voters?” – asks A. Gurbanov.

On his words, if the lists of the CEC are correct then is not understandable why the State Statistic Committee increases the number of country population.


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