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Cruelty of adolescent

At night, on July 30, 2013 in Shamakhi district a terrible crime was committed. A minor brother brutally killed his little sister. This was with reference to the prosecutor’s office of Shamakhi was said Vesti.Az.

The crime was committed in the village of Hynyshly. Local resident Isgandarov Amrah (1996) beheaded the 16-year Isgandarov Narmina. A killer struck his sister multiple stab wounds, then cut off her head and smashed her into two parts.

It is noted that on July 20 she left home without telling anything anyone. In connection with this Narmina declared missing. Police found the fugitive in Baku, in a cafe, where she worked as a waitress. The girl was returned home. At night, when Narmina was sitting on a couch in a room on the second floor of the house, the elder brother demanded an explanation from her, accusing his sister in depravity. While was not have time to be a conflict, as the brother sister struck several stab wounds.

It is interesting that at this time in the house on the first floor were the father and stepmother of Amrakh and Narmina Isgandarov. While the members of the investigation group are found it difficult to reply, whether parents knew about intentions of a son to kill his sister. However, one is known that the girl was found by them already dead.


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