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Yasamal Court Considers Complaint of Journalist

The Yasamal District Court chaired by Azer Tagiyev held its consideration of complaint from the reporter of Turan IA and radio Voice of America Tapdig Farhadoglu against the Yasamal District Prosecutor’s Office investigator Mubariz Asadov, reportes.

The complaint was filed in connection with the refusal to institute criminal proceedings in connection with the attack on the journalist while covering protests of BSU students.

Recall that on February 20 the head of the Security Service of BSU Mahir Hojjatov struck a few kicks and blows on the back and the head of the journalist, who was filming the protest of students.

The representative of the journalist Samir Agayev said that after the incident the journalist’s health began to deteriorate – the pain in his leg and back began to grow.

Held on March 19, forensic examination confirmed the presence of an injury to his right leg and it is possible that it is a consequence of the blows received by February 20.

In early April, the state of Farhadoglu deteriorated sharply and the drug stopped to help.

Aghayeva indicated that the investigator in deciding did not take into account the conclusion of the surgeon to do the surgery.

In addition, an investigatorv had not questioned numerous witnesses or reflected the video submitted to the investigation in the decision.

Aghayeva also focused attention on the presence of signs referred to in Article 163 (impeding the lawful activities of journalists) of the Criminal Code in the actions of the head protection BSU Hojjatov and his subordinates.

On this the investigator said that the use of this article is not correct, because the journalists “did not conduct a live broadcast.” However, the statement of the investigator was denied by the judge Taghiyev.

Further, the trial began viewing video, in view of the fact that some of them could not be seen. It was decided to move the view to the next meeting.

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