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National Security Ministry prevents smuggling of large amount of drugs

As a result of the search operations conducted by the Ministry of National Security, smuggling of about 19 kg of drugs from Iran to Azerbaijan was prevented. 11 people suspected in committing illegal acts were arrested.

The ministry’s PR Center told  the APA agency that 2.7 kg of heroin, 15.891 kg of opium and 700 g of hashish were found and seized.

Criminal cases have been launched on all the facts under articles 206.3.2 (repeated smuggling of narcotics on preliminary arrangement by group of persons), 29, 234.4.1 and 29, 234.4.3 (illegal manufacturing, purchase, storage, transportation, transfer or selling of narcotics in large amounts on preliminary arrangement by group of persons or organized group), 234.4.1, 234.4.2 and 234.4.3 (repeated illegal manufacturing, purchase, storage, transportation, transfer or selling of narcotics in large amounts on preliminary arrangement by group of persons or organized group) of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan. Citizens of the Republic of Azerbaijan – Mehtiyev Elchin Zohrab oglu, Jafarova Nargiz Zeynal qizi, Rzayev Fuad Ziyad oglu, Abushov Aqil Arif oglu, Abasov Shujaet Huseynagha oglu, Asgarov Javanshir Alasger oglu, Haziyev Mayis Khanibey oglu, Mirzayev Misir Ali oglu, Feyzullayev Adalat Gazanfar oglu, Gulmammadov Karim Salim oglu and his spouse Gulmammadova Mehriban Gahraman qizi were put in pre-trial detention under the court verdict.

All necessary investigative actions and search operations to discover all details of the crime and find other participants of these illegal acts are continuing.

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