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Court passes verdict on Seymur Haziyev

On January 29, 2015 the Absheron District Court completed the judicial procedure over the cases of imprisoned journalist Seymuz Haziyev and Maharram Hasanov, APA reports.

Under the court verdict, S. Haziyev was sentenced to 5 years in prison and M. Hasanov 6 months in prison.

According to a joint statement issued by the Absheron District Police Department and the Prosecutor’s Office, the Absheron District Police Department launched a criminal case under the Criminal Code’s article 221.3 (the hooliganism committed with application of a weapon or subjects, used as the weapon) on the fact of hooliganism committed during an argument between Seymur Haziyev and Baku resident Maharram Hasanov in Absheron district’s Jeyranbatan settlement on August 29. The court passed a verdict on putting Seymur Haziyev in pretrial detention as a convict under the above mentioned article of the Criminal Code.

As a result of the investigation, Maharram Hasanov was arrested as a suspect on September 3, as there were grounds for suspicions that during the argument he violated the public order disrespecting the public, committed deliberate actions using violence against citizens and punched Seymur Haziyev, inflicting on him bodily injuries.

The district court passed a verdict on arresting Maharram Hasanov under the article 221.1 (hooliganism) of the Criminal Code. 

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