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Medical specialist arrested over bribery

Another fact of corruption has been discovered in the health sector told APA with reference to Prosecutor General’s Office.

The Anti-Corruption Department under General Prosecutor investigated an appeal from a Saatli resident on the illegal actions of a medical specialist of the district department of the Forensic Medical Examination and Pathological Anatomy Center under the Azerbaijani Ministry of Health.

As a result of investigation, head of the department in Saatli Tahir Mehdiyev was caught red-handed on 12 February 2015 while receiving a bribe of AZN 200 in his office instead of giving a medical certificate for district resident’s son who received severe injuries during a crash and objective conclusions about his injuries.

Criminal case has already been launched on the fact, T. Mehdiyev sentenced to pretrial detention under article  311.1 (taking bribe) of the Criminal Code.

Investigation is underway.

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